2021 March Madness Predictions

Did you miss me and the madness? I did. But we're back in business with more predictions than ever before... continue reading

Mathematical Justice Initiative

So if you're reading this, you likely know I'm a pretty big fan of math. And while I think math is no replacement for character and integrity, I personally think it can be used to help "solve" problems where character and integrity come into question... continue reading

Freelancer Compensation Compromise

How should a freelancer bill his clients? I should note that I can't really say I have much experience freelancing, but it's something I've semi-seriously considered... continue reading

COVID-19 Analysis

So in case you didn't notice, March Madness kinda didn't happen this year. So instead, I tried to analyze some COVID-19 data to see what I could learn...... continue reading


That is, "Too Long; Didn't Read: Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency is Great In My Humble/Honest Opinion" for those of you who don't speak both internet and nerd.... continue reading

Forgive but don't forget

Interesting title for one of my typically technical blog posts, right? Don't worry, I'll explain.... continue reading

2019 March Madness Probabilities

Root for me to beat the pool! Thanks... continue reading

Tour of My Mostly Finished Workspace

No applied AI here. Enter without caution. I just want to share some photos, videos, and descriptions of all the parts of my home workspace.... continue reading

You Teach Me?

When I was a wee lad playing a card game the family called No Name, I said what has become one of my most quotable quotes within my family. Feel free to let me know what the game is actually called, but basically I think it's like an individual euchre where you bid on how many tricks you think you'll win.... continue reading

2018 March Madness Probabilities

Root for me to beat the pool! Thanks... continue reading

XNN Regression

If you're involved in AI, you may think this is some sort of neural network related to the RNN or CNN maybe? If you're not involved in AI, you're probably going to leave if I use another acronym without explanation (AI stands for Artificial Intelligence btw - I mean by the way).... continue reading

Method to My Madness

If you read my last post or just paid attention to the leaderboard back in March during the March Madness Algorithm competition, you know I didn't do so hot - especially compared to the previous year. The good news though is that I can share my brilliant techniques with you now... continue reading

My Maddening March Misfortune

The good news about my poor performance in this year's March Machine Learning Mania competition is that I can share all my secrets without worrying about everybody stealing my ideas. Go for it, but you'll still only get 259th out of 442 competitors.... continue reading

Saving with Windows

How's that for an ambiguous title? While I'll give my two cents on the whole Mac vs PC debate in a second... continue reading

March Madness Probabilities

No this isn't the secret to my success (or potentially lack thereof) in my March Madness Competition. While I may share a bit of that later, this is just showing what I predicted versus what the other competitors predicted.... continue reading

Memory Issues

Oh right, I forgot, I have a blog. Just kidding. But I am back - a little older, a little wiser, and with a few pointers on the importance of memory in a data science context.... continue reading

Social Good Meetup

A few weeks ago, I took advantage of one of the perks of living a train ride away from Chicago. I went to a Data Science Meetup.... continue reading

Traveling Salesman Problem

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a famously difficult problem to tackle. As the name might suggest, it can be understood best through the following little story... continue reading

Introducing dataisbaye

Welcome to my blog where I intend to share with you my innermost thoughts... continue reading